BFR Tools You Need in Your Clinic or Gym

With the increased popularity of Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training, you may be considering utilizing it in your clinic or gym. 

BFR provides a great option for rehabilitating patients with mobility issues or injuries or those who have had surgery. 

Everything You Need to Use BFR in Your Clinic

The goal of BFR training is to train at a lower intensity with lighter loads while still achieving the same desired results you would get from training with heavier loads. To get the same high-intensity results from a low-intensity workout, a band or cuff is placed around a limb to allow arterial inflow and limit venous return. 

Your first decision is what method to use for BFR training in your clinic: bands or blood flow restriction cuffs? Bands offer an inexpensive option, but they are inconsistent when training. Results will vary from one workout to the next because it is nearly impossible to achieve the same level of resistance each time. They also don’t possess any built-in safety features like as some cuffs do, so the potential for injury is much higher. 

By choosing a product with features such as an electronic pump that allows you to set a specific personalized pressure, you ensure the greatest consistency and accuracy from workout to workout.

Depending on the size of your clinic and the predicted workload, you may want to hire and train additional staff as well.


Everything You Need to Use BFR in Your Gym

When using BFR in your gym, you’ll need a set of Cuffs, resistance like weights and/or resistance bands, and a training/fitness plan. If you’re training an athlete, developing a well-rounded fitness plan that incorporates BFR training can prove extremely beneficial. This is especially true for active recovery or isolating a weaker muscle group. 

Do I Need Training for BFR?

Whether you’re using BFR training in your clinic or the gym, safety is of paramount importance. You should learn and understand how to properly use BFR techniques to achieve the best results in the safest manner possible. 

Training is not required for either non-health pros or health professionals; however, we do recommend training for health professionals as they are likely to see a variety of different types of patients with potentially contraindicating conditions that preclude them from BFR training.

SmartTools offers CEU-approved, evidence-based training courses in BFR training all around the world, including training sessions, classes, and continuing education. 

We pair that evidence-based training with our instructors’ real-world experience to create a dynamic combination. You’ll be able to immediately implement the lessons and knowledge you gain into your training with patients and athletes. 

And for consumers, we offer free consultations with our BFR coaches with each purchase. This way we can ensure they get started safely and in the most effective way possible. 

To learn more and view our list of BFR Training courses across the globe, visit our education page.Â